
An untouched archaeological garden ...


Olympos can also be reached by boat. A narrow creek divides the historical site and then flows into the sea. However, nautical charts need to be corrected after in autumn 2009 a mud and scree slide, caused by torrential rainfalls, transformed the mouth of the river. Today anchoring close to it is not possible anymore - something that, in any case, should be done only under absolutely calm conditions. It is a unique experience to swim to the beach and get into the historical site from the seaside which is not possible in many places. You have the chance to visit a remarkable spot which is fringed by rocks. Although the site has been touristically developed, it radiates an unspoiled innocence which it owes to its profuse vegetation where you will enjoy spending some time in the shade among sarcophagi from ancient world.

N36°23'47,76" E30°28'26,04"

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